Ian Grey

London, United Kingdom

Ian Gray is an independent advisor with Global Development. He has 15 years experience in international development, with the majority of the time in senior leadership positions, including in the areas of strategy, policy, disaster relief and health. For the past number of years Ian has been consulting both in the private sector and with NGOs, primarily in the areas of strategy, innovation and strategic partnering.

Ian has worked in the field of health since the late 1990s, covering areas from grassroots public health, to managing teams involved in global public health policy. He has led strategy processes and carried out advisory work for large clients such as Pfizer and Siemens in the private sector and the Red Cross and World Vision International in the NGO sector.

In the area of innovation, Ian is a speaker and advisor for donor organizations such as the UK Government's Department for International Development, and for a number of tech company start-ups. Ian has wide experience of setting up and facilitating partnerships. He has played roles in setting up consortia such as the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies, through to cross-sector partnerships such as one between the Asian Football Confederation, GAIN, Accenture, DSM and NGOs in Asia.

Ian holds three masters degrees; an M.A. (Hons) from Glasgow University, an M.S.c. (Econ) from the Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management. He has carried out work in over 20 countries and has lived in Africa, Australia and Europe. Ian is currently based in the UK.