Our Focus Areas

Global Health & Wellbeing

GD was instrumental in introducing BD with the leadership at the World Health Organization and accelerating this important collaboration. This helped establish women’s and children’s health as one of our main business focus areas in developing markets.
Gary Cohen
Executive Vice President of Becton Dickinson

Action Areas

We work across four interconnected areas, with people at the center to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global health issues are becoming increasingly complex. World population is quickly rising and efforts are not being multiplied quick enough to ensure that everyone will have access to affordable and quality healthcare. The challenges that need to be overcome to guarantee the necessary infrastructure and workforce to efficiently deliver essential diagnostic tools and treatments are many. But so are the solutions. We need to address these escalating issues through integrated approaches combining the capabilities of businesses with those of governments, and other key stakeholders. It is also critical to find new ways of financing by private and public sectors to de-risk investments and unlock the potential of an integrated approach to global health and deliver the necessary product and service solution at global scale.

Efforts are notably being coordinated by the United Nations through their recently launched Agenda for Sustainable Development under SDG Goal Number 3: “Ensure healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages” with targets aiming at reducing maternal and newborn mortality, and deaths from global epidemics and NCDs, for example.