
We are working with innovators, thought leaders, and system thinkers across disciplines to develop new ideas. We create tools to help clients navigate the emerging collaborative economy.

Our New Interactive Map of Global Health Actors

The System Thinking initiative was developed to help navigate a complex ecosystem of diverse stakeholders in global health and find the best partners to build effective collaborations.

How is it making a difference?

GD collaborated with Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and its Practicum Program to conceptualize and map information. The relationship visualization platform Kumu was instrumental in bringing this information to an interesting, accessible, and interactive interface for diverse users.

The initiative developed an interactive new tool for non-profits, businesses, governments and other stakeholders in global health to identify potential partners across all stakeholder groups and align resources for collective action. We mapped over 80 key global health stakeholders in Geneva, the world center of global health, to accelerate building effective partnerships in health and beyond. Emphasis was placed on mapping their work and resources across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 3 (Health and Wellbeing).

Interactive Map of Global Heath Actors

Why join?

We are now looking forward to strengthen this tool and expand it globally. If you are interested in joining us, please contact

Next Generation Partnerships in Global Health

This initiative aims to develop and share new knowledge about "why" and "how" cross-sector partnerships deliver sustainable solutions to address growing health system challenges and improve people's health in emerging economies.

How is it making a difference?

GD developed this initiative with Professor Rifat Atun of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in partnership with Johnson & Johnson, Becton Dickinson, Royal DSM, Novo Nordisk and Merck, pioneers in creating shared value. With consultations from over thirty other innovative leaders in the public and private sectors, REACHING SCALE aims to reimagine global health education for the next generation of leaders and practitioners to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Traditional concepts of public private partnerships (PPPs) need to evolve towards ecosystems of partners that deliver products, services, and financing solutions in a sustainable way. REACHING SCALE will equip professionals from businesses, governments, and nonprofits with the practical knowledge necessary to bring these next generation partnerships to fruition. The initiative was developed in collaboration with partners, and shared through various approaches, with examples listed below.

Executive Course
Case Studies
Knowledge Hub
Partners Coalition
Action Roadmap
Opportunity Map
Solution Lab

Announced at the Financing for Development (F4D) ministerial meeting in Addis Ababa, in June 2015, the initiative was launched at the REACHING SCALE Founding Members’ meeting in June 6-7, 2016 at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge.

Why join?

If you are interested in catalyzing change through innovative cross-sector partnerships, expanding your knowledge, or supporting the initiative, please contact us at

GD Publication Library

GD leads and supports the development of catalytic publications about market opportunities and new models of collaborations across sectors and disciplines.

Global Knowledge Hub

We believe that reliable and neutral sources of information are key to understanding today’s global challenges and to identify new ways of tackling them. Here are a few key sources:

Global Economic and Development Data
Global Economic and Development Data The World Bank
Doing Business Global Indicators The World Bank
Reports and Global Data IMF
Food Security and Nutrition data
Hunger Statistics WFP
Food Security Data FAOSTAT & FAO
Sustainable Development Goals Data
SDGs Knowledge Platform UNDESA