Health supply chains: opportunities for public-private partnerships

Stakeholder Insights

  • Mapped opportunities for the leading global pharmaceutical distributors to improve health supply chains in global health with a focus on emerging markets
  • Assessed key global health initiatives, their impact, geographical reach and interest in partnering with the private sector
  • Identified key partners for IFPW and its member companies to launch impactful partnerships


We were commissioned by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (IFPW), the leading global industry association with over 40 multinational companies working in this field, to identify opportunities for their companies to improve supply chains in key global health initiatives in emerging and developing countries. Key areas included life-saving vaccines, infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases, non-communicable diseases, women’s and children’s health as well as other cross-cutting areas such as counterfeiting medicines and use of innovative technologies.

See SMART MAP, Opportunities to Improve Health Supply Chains in Global Health Initiatives (Click here to view)

For further details on our journey and impact, see COLLABORATIVE VENTURES, Engaging Leading Industry Alliance in Global Health.


Information gathered through the Smart Map process is proprietary and was used for the development of the IFPW strategy for its engagement in global health and is available below. Further information can be shared upon request.